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According to current data protection legislation, you have the right to information about how we process your personal data. We have therefore drawn up this privacy policy.


When you book, pay and use our services, this means that you provide personal data to us. If you book via one of our partners, e.g. Camping Key Europe and SCR Svensk Camping, we may receive your personal data from them.


We process the personal data you provide to us in order to carry out your booking and fulfill the obligations arising from the booking with you, administer payment and bookkeeping/accounting. We may also need to use information to handle complaints, damages, lost property, and other things that arise due to the performance of our services. In the event of a dispute, we save the information necessary for us to handle legal claims. The legal basis for processing is the fulfillment of our contract and legal obligations, e.g. according to the accounting act or authority decision.


We also use the personal data for statistics, evaluation of services rendered and marketing measures, e.g. to provide you with relevant information and offers. The legal basis for such processing is our legitimate interest in developing and marketing the business. We also process additional personal data in cases where you consent to it, e.g. by participating in market research.


The personal data we process is name, social security number, e-mail, address, telephone number, form of accommodation, date of accommodation, information on the number of adults and children, booking number, password, payment information (card details, bank, bank account number and details of the purchase) and other information that you have provided to us or which is necessary for us to be able to fulfill our obligations towards you.


We save your personal data as long as the law requires that it be saved and as long as it is necessary for us to be able to fulfill the commitments we have. When the personal data are no longer needed, they are thinned. We do not save your personal data longer than is necessary for the respective purpose. If you unsubscribe from newsletters or similar, the data is deleted immediately.


Your personal data is used by us and our personal data assistants, who help us with e.g. payment solutions, marketing and IT services. We also share your personal data with certain companies that are independent personal data controllers, e.g. our partners Camping Key Europe and SCR Svensk Camping. When your personal data is shared with companies that are responsible for personal data, the company's privacy policy and personal data management apply. Our personal data assistants only process your personal data on our behalf and only have access to the data to fulfill their obligations towards us. When you shop online, we share your personal data with the payment service provider we use to process the payment. When paying by invoice, the payment service provider can carry out a credit check. In order to market our services to you, we share data with the digital marketers who provide services for the marketing. We also share information with our partners if you have booked through them. Otherwise, we have not disclosed personal data to other companies or authorities unless we have to do so due to law or authority decision or to protect our rights or the rights of third parties.


Your personal data is mainly handled within the EU/EEA, but may be transferred to countries outside the EU/EEA, e.g. for certain IT services. We only transfer personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA if the country has an adequate level of protection or if the personal data processor has taken appropriate protective measures to protect the personal data in accordance with data protection legislation.


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Ursand Resort & Camping AB, organization no. 556494-5375, Box 286, 532 24 Skara is the data controller for our processing of your personal data. We protect your personal data with the necessary technical and organizational measures and ensure that the processing takes place in accordance with current data protection legislation.


Du har rätt att få svar på om vi behandlar personuppgifter om dig. Om så är fallet, har du rätt till information om t.ex. vilka kategorier av personuppgifter som behandlingen gäller och ändamålen med behandlingen. Du har även rätt till att få en kopia av de personuppgifter som behandlas av oss (registerutdrag). Du har även rätt att begära att vi överför personuppgifterna till en annan personuppgiftsansvarig (dataportabilitet). Rätten till dataportabilitet gäller för de personuppgifter som behandlas med stöd av avtal eller ditt samtycke. En förutsättning för dataportabilitet är att överföringen är teknisk möjlig och behandlingen sker automatiserat.


Du har rätt att begära att vi rättar personuppgifterna om de är felaktiga eller begränsar vår behandling om det finns skäl för det. Du har även i vissa fall rätt att begära att vi raderar dina personuppgifter, t.ex. om personuppgifterna inte längre är nödvändiga för det ändamål som vi har samlat in personuppgifterna. Detta gäller dock inte om det finns ett lagstadgat krav på lagring, t.ex. enligt bokföringslagen. Du kan när som helst återkalla ditt samtycke till att dina personuppgifter behandlas, t.ex. för marknadsföringsändamål.


Om du vill begära registerutdrag, rättelse, radering, invändning eller begränsning, kan du kontakta oss på Om du har klagomål avseende vår behandling, har du rätt att vända dig till tillsynsmyndigheten, Datainspektionen.


If you have any questions or would like more information about how we process your personal data, please contact us,

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